FAQ for Customers

1. Am I eligible to sign up to the platform?

If you are a creative professional (e.g. self-employed), a company that works in the theatre industry (e.g. producers, costumiers, set designers, etc) or an institution within the industry (e.g. NODA, NPO, registered charity) then you are welcome to join our community.

We are a closed platform of professionals within the industry. This is a deliberate choice because we understand that the stock our members list on the site are expensive and they want to ensure that hirers will treat them with the care and respect they deserve.

2. How do you check that I am eligible to sign up?

A background check is made on all individuals/groups that sign up to the platform to ensure they meet the elibility criteria. As well as proprietary data sources, the simplest checks are via registers that are maintained by industry partners e.g. Register of charities, Companies House, Arts Council England, etc. Unfortunately, we do not disclose proprietary data sources as it could compromise the eligibility process and open it to exploitation.

3. How do I sign up?

It's as simple as filling in a form: www.pursuedbybear.co.uk/sign-up

4. What is the sign-up process?

  1. To start the process, simply complete the sign-up form (here).
  2. We will confirm receipt and run eligibility checks. As part of this process, we may contact you to confirm details.
  3. When your membership is confirmed, we will set you/your organisation up on the platform.
  4. You will receive a text and an email from the platform confirming your account is set up and to verify your account.
  5.  Congratulations - you are signed up and ready to go!  

5. How much does it cost to join?

It doesn't cost anything to sign up to the platform.

6. How much does it really cost to join the platform?

We provide the platform for free to our members but we do charge a percentage to suppliers when they hire out stock.

7. How much does it cost to hire items?

The cost to hire any specific item is advertised in the catalogue. The costs are priced by the stockist/supplier on a per-week basis so the total cost of hire will depend on how duration that you want to hire the item. There are no additional costs.

8. Can I hire items from anyone?

When you complete the sign-up process, you are a eligible to hire any items in the catalogue. There is no restriction on stockist or supplier that you can hire from.

9. How long can I hire items for?

You can hire items for as long as you want (depending on your budget). When you add the item to your basket, specify the date range that you want to hire the item and, if it's available, you can hire it.

10. How can I contact the supplier about an item before I hire?

As a guest, you can browse the catalogue but you cannot interact with stockists or suppliers. However, when you are logged in as a member, you can send enquiries to the supplier. Enquiries trigger notifications to the supplier and when they respond you will be notified immediately.