
Collections allow you to create ensembles of items that you are interested in. Add amazing costumes and sets that will make your show incredible. When you are ready, take your collection to the checkout and hire all the items together.


Finding your collections
When you are logged in, your profile avatar is available in the top-right of screen. Click it to reveal a dropdown of actions and find “My Collections” at the top of the list. Clicking the link navigates you to your collections. You have...
Creating Collections
1. Search for the items that you want for your next show. 2. Click the “Add to collection” field and a list of your collections will dropdown. At the bottom of the list, you can click “+ Create Collection” to get a pop-up. 3. Enter the col...
Managing Collections
Select the collection that you want to manage from the list on the left of the screen. NB: On mobile, it will appear as a drop down. Updating the collection name You can update the collection name simply by clicking on it and overwriting. Whe...